
Showing posts from January, 2022

First Ten Yards

The 50 Yard Challenge The dynamic duo   I love the look of a nicely mowed lawn. Especially one that is edged just right. Mmmmmmm. I also love to mow lawns. So when I saw Episode 9, Season 1 of a BYUtv show called Making Good I was intrigued.  It's about a guy named Rodney who started a charity -- Raising Men Lawn Care Service. Rodney challenges kids all over the United States to mow 50 yards. The catch is that they have to mow lawns for people who have a hard time doing it themselves -- the elderly, the disabled, single moms and yes, people with MS qualify too -- and they have to do it for free. I guess the other catch is that you have to be between the ages of 7 and 17 to accept the challenge. I really wanted to do the challenge but I'm a couple years past 17 ;-) So I talked my kids into taking the challenge :-) For every 10 lawns they mow they get a different colored t-shirt. They start with a white t-shirt and at 50 they get a black t-shirt. Kind of like getting a black belt